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Search Results

Currently filtering by "Industry Research and Development" Jobs found: 5

There are 5 results that match your search.

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  • Chair

    Ref: 7404

    Diamond Light Source Ltd

    • United Kingdom
    Full description
  • Co-Principal Investigator, Artificial Intelligence for Biomolecular Sciences

    Ref: 7433

    Changping Laboratory

    • China, Beijing
    Full description
  • Consultant - Australia

    Ref: ConsAus2022

    Perrett Laver

    • Melbourne
    Full description
  • Head of Department of Key Research Technology Platform

    Ref: 7434

    Changping Laboratory

    • China, Beijing
    Full description
  • Trustees

    Ref: 7439

    The Kennedy Trust for Rheumatology Research

    • Board meetings take place in person, usually in Central London and once a year in Oxford. Other sub-committee meetings are a mix of in person and online.
    Full description